
Book Trilogy

As David Sedaris would say, “become a great observer.”

In this project, I was assigned to create three book covers for a trilogy. I chose stories by David Sedaris, an author who loves to share some of his life stories with a hint of humor. In the process of creating the book covers, I first sketched many different cover ideas for one of his stories. After choosing one idea, I used different types of mediums to create three separate looks. After a class vote on which medium was best, I created two more book covers in the same style to finalize the trilogy. The idea for A Modest Proposal, was behind David’s relationship between him and his boyfriend getting married. He didn’t believe in marriage so to communicate that I illustrated a cake topper on top of a stack of paper representing what marriage actually takes. In Loggerheads, it told a time when David took some sea turtles home as a kid and they died in his tank. The story also had a deeper meaning of his neglected childhood which I used for inspiration in my design. The design for Untamed was pretty direct, except there was no humanoid fox. The story was about David Sedaris befriending a wild fox in his backyard that he named Carol. The design sheds light on David’s humor and perception of the fox.

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